
歷史中上著名的「不知神論者」計有:赫胥黎(Thomas Huxley)、達爾文(Charles Darwin)、羅素(Bertrand Russell)與伏爾泰(Francois M. Voltaire)等人。
“Agnostics” believe that people who believe in God do so blindly without thinking. But the question is, if they don’t believe in God, will they also blindly choose not to believe without thinking deeply? Some “agnostics” insist that there is no metaphysical entity in the world. Is this another kind of “blind belief”? These questions are really worth pondering for “agnostics”.
  In real life, we encounter more agnostics who appear in the form of realism. They are usually not “philosophical people,” but their basic attitude can be seen in their words: “Who knows if there is a God? Whether there is a God or not, what does that have to do with me?” (“Who knows ?!” “Who cares ?!” ). Their indifference to the existence of God makes it more difficult for us to introduce the truth of the gospel to them.
  When facing such people, the author believes that the best strategy is to make friends with them (in fact, this strategy can also be applied to anyone), care about them, accept them, pray for them, and even pay a price to help them. Good testimony to win the trust of the other party.
  The most effective way to evangelize is to do so with mutual trust and respect. After we establish friendship, we can then look for opportunities to share the gospel message with “agnostics” bit by bit. Although this will take a little more time, it is still well worth it.