王志强牧師 簡歷

王志强牧師 ( Dr. & Rev. Joseph Wong )
  • 1981年香港海外神學院畢業
  • 1987香港建道神學院獲教牧學碩士
  • 2001在美國正道福音神學院獲道學碩士
  • 2003在美國正道神學院獲教牧學博士
  • 1981年至1990年於海外神學院基督中心堂作傳道,
  • 19906月到加拿大美城開荒植堂工作建立證道浸信會美城堂至今約33﹐為會主任牧師。



  • 加拿大華人神學院執行董事及客座講師
  • 加拿大恩福協會董事及恩福神學院客座講師
  • 多倫多短期宣教訓練中心董事及講師         


The biography of Rev. Joseph Wong


Graduated from Overseas Bible Seminary in 1981

Master of Ministry Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong in 1987

Master of Divinity  Logos Evangelical Seminary, USA in 2001

Doctor of Ministry  Logos Evangelical Seminary, USA in 2003

Background and Pastoral Experience

Rev. Wong had been a pastor from 1981 to 1990 in Overseas Theological Seminary Christ Central Church, ordained as Reverend, Established Logos Baptist Church in Canada from June, 1990 and until now. He is currently the senior pastor of LBCM church.

Other ministries include:

Executive Director and lecturer of Canadian Chinese School of Theology at Tyndale Seminary

Board member of Christian Communication Inc. of Canada and lecturer of CCIC Seminary

Board member and lecturer of Toronto Chinese Christian Short Term Mission Training Centre